

FYI, I'm done with school. FYI, I'm studying for the bar (reserve lame jokes for your own amusement). FYI, I'm going to disappear completely. FYI, FYI, FYI.


best text message i've received in some time

"Approx. 915 am. Brooklynite found himself wandering lost in wall st. Apt. Building. the word kafka comes to mind."

Which spawned the following conversation yesterday.

r: "how, pray tell, did you get lost in an apartment building?"
j: "i pushed M and then got lost in a big room with a dead end."
r: "what did you think M stood for?"
j: "main"
r: "laughing hysterrically--what about the L located below the M?"
j: -response edited for clarity--


a nice little paragraph

Yo, yo. Still in school and still not sleeping; it should all be over by Thursday.

So we're in the midst of writing a paper and we came across this gem. Thought we'd share.


"The restraint is not small when it is considered what was restrained. The right is a national right, federally guaranteed. There is some modicum of freedom of thought, speech and assembly which all citizens of the Republic may exercise throughout its length and breadth, which no State, nor all together, nor the Nation itself, can prohibit, restrain or impede. If the restraint were smaller than it is, it is from petty tyrannies that large ones take root and grow. This fact can be no more plain than when they are imposed on the most basic rights of all. Seedlings
planted in that soil grow great and, growing, break down the foundations of liberty."

Justice Rutledge speaking for the majority in Thomas v. Collins, Sheriff. 323 U.S. 516 (1945)


The blog—resurrected….

Sort of—

As I write this I am sitting in my last class ever for law school. The entire experience is a bit surreal. Of course there are finals to be taken and papers to be written—but damn…this shit is over. The week ahead will suck 70 pages of writing and a final to study for but graduation is almost upon us….

I watched the Elizabeth I miniseries on HBO the other day—I think I may have liked it better that the earlier film. I have decided to refer to myself in the future as ‘we’ or ‘us’. It is, after all, my right as a sovereign.

Congrats Anna Nicole, I have always been on your side, glad to see SCOTUS is too.

To all those that may read this whom I have not spoken to recently, my apologies; I am going to try and make the telephonic rounds in the coming weeks before my bar study kicks in—I will then disappear completely for a while.

As Julio once crooned, to all the girls I’ve loved before….