
The blog—resurrected….

Sort of—

As I write this I am sitting in my last class ever for law school. The entire experience is a bit surreal. Of course there are finals to be taken and papers to be written—but damn…this shit is over. The week ahead will suck 70 pages of writing and a final to study for but graduation is almost upon us….

I watched the Elizabeth I miniseries on HBO the other day—I think I may have liked it better that the earlier film. I have decided to refer to myself in the future as ‘we’ or ‘us’. It is, after all, my right as a sovereign.

Congrats Anna Nicole, I have always been on your side, glad to see SCOTUS is too.

To all those that may read this whom I have not spoken to recently, my apologies; I am going to try and make the telephonic rounds in the coming weeks before my bar study kicks in—I will then disappear completely for a while.

As Julio once crooned, to all the girls I’ve loved before….


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