
Who’s up for a blog entry?

Been taking it kind of easy on this space lately and the reasons are many. For one, I would probably continue to complain about all sorts of things that really are not at all that important. For two, I gave a crazy lady a dollar last night, she gave me some voodoo blessing; some other dude gave her a dollar, she sang him a song. I would have rather had the song. School is winding to a close none too soon. The bar begins after that, I’m screwed. I started seeing someone which takes up more time than I remembered. I guess that is a good thing…we shall see. My job is good and hopefully it will turn into something more, if not, again, I’m screwed.


Gives a whole new meaning to horsing around...

Viagra for stallion who wouldn't horse around...
Tue Mar 21, 2006 11:02 AM ET

BERLIN (Reuters) - A German court ordered viagra to be given to a stallion after his new owner claimed he was impotent and refused to pay the full asking price.

The buyer of the horse called Vedor paid just a tenth of the price of over 4,000 euros ($4,900), claiming it had only one testicle and failed to get frisky with a female pony.

A vet found the testicle after an examination, said Egbert Simons, a spokesman for the court in the eastern town of Neuruppin.

And when the stallion was given the potency drug, it emerged he was fully functional, he added.

The court ordered the buyer to pay the full price.

© Reuters 2006. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters and the Reuters sphere logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of the Reuters group of companies around the world.


absolutely useless information

i had company for the last few days.

i am listening to "out of control" by she wants revenge right now.

i think i am getting sick.

i need to win the lottery--money buys space.


My late night tyrst with Dell...

Enjoy, I surely did--sort of. Sorry for the bad formattin, i'm lazy and it is late.

1:42:26 AMSystemWelcome Ryan XXXX...
1:42:26 AMSystemConnecting to server. Please wait...
1:42:26 AMSystemThank you for using Dell Chat, a representative will be with you soon.
1:42:26 AMSystemInitial Question/Comment: system restore did not solve my audio problem
1:42:33 AMSystemYou are now being connected to an agent. Thank you for using Dell Chat
1:42:33 AMSystemConnected with Sandeep_01114935
1:42:48 AMSandeep_01114935Thank you for contacting Dell Hardware Warranty Support. My name is Sandeep. Please allow me a moment to refer to the question. May I please have the initial system shipping address, email ID. and the telephone number just for customer verification purposes.
1:42:56 AMYouHi sir, I was just disconnected from the prior rep
1:43:46 AMSandeep_01114935Okay Ryan, please allow me a moment to refer to the previous interaction
1:44:39 AMSandeep_01114935Thank you for being online
1:45:11 AMSandeep_01114935Please don't worry as I am replacing the system motherboard for you as you have performed all necessary trouble shooting
1:47:52 AMSandeep_01114935Please let me know if you are receiving my message
1:48:19 AMYouyes, the last one said :Please don't worry as I am replacing the system motherboard for you as you have performed all necessary trouble shooting
1:48:44 AMSandeep_01114935Please let me know the address where I can send the box for you to get the motherboard replaced
1:49:31 AMYoudo i have to send the whole system back or is the work something i can do myself? This system is critical for my daily job?
1:49:51 AMSandeep_01114935You have to send the system back to the depot to get the motherboard replaced
1:50:26 AMSandeep_01114935Please let me know the address
1:50:55 AMYouUnderstood--how long does the process take? My address--XXXXX New York, NY 10005
1:51:14 AMSandeep_01114935The process would take approximate 2 weeks
1:51:45 AMYouI cannot be without this computer for that long, is there anyway I can get a loaner?
1:52:30 AMSandeep_01114935I am extremely sorry as this is not possible and it is the fastest service that is provided to you
1:53:01 AMYouDo I have any other options to make it more expiditious?
1:53:04 AMSandeep_01114935The system motherboards needs to be checked thoroughly so that you don't face an issue again
1:53:21 AMSandeep_01114935I am sorry as this is not possible
1:53:36 AMSandeep_01114935I hope you can understand my limitations and position
1:54:45 AMSandeep_01114935Case # XXXXX
1:55:00 AMYouI understand your position. My difficulty is that this computer is used on a daily basis and contains many time sensitive issues that unfortunately cannot be transferred to another system at this time.
1:55:21 AMYouI would appreciate any help that you may be able to provide to help me in this difficulty
1:56:00 AMSandeep_01114935Ryan that was the only help which was under my limits and I have done al that I can do for you
1:56:34 AMSandeep_01114935**
1:56:35 AMYouThank you Sandeep
1:56:52 AMSandeep_01114935I deeply regret the inconvenience caused in this regards
1:57:24 AMSandeep_01114935Please let me know if you are happy with the quality of service provided in this chat interaction with me How would you rate only me as a technician on a scale of 1 to 9, 9 being the best
1:58:59 AMYouYou as a technician were fine, albeit scripted; how's a 7? The limitations of Dell's service times however is an altogether different rating.
2:00:16 AMSandeep_01114935Ryan, since I have resolved the issue , Please let me know where do I lack so that I can improve upon it to get a 9 next time from you
2:00:32 AMSandeep_01114935I hope that you don't mind me asking that
2:00:52 AMSandeep_01114935This is just for my improvement
2:02:05 AMSandeep_01114935I would appreciate your valuable comments
2:02:26 AMYouNot at all. Dell's service chat is a convinient and usually quick process. The only difficulty is that every technician uses the exact same questions answers for everything. It is all very planned and rote, hence, scripted. Improvement? Make the next customer believe that you did all you could, not merely repeat the company line.
2:02:41 AMYouI hope that was not too frank. You did a fine job.
2:03:22 AMSandeep_01114935Thank you so much Ryan for speaking the truth and rather being angry on asking
2:03:35 AMSandeep_01114935I was lovely assisting you
2:03:56 AMYouThank you for your help
2:04:18 AMSandeep_01114935I feel so sorry to be bound by company policies that I was unable to make you smile with my help
2:04:41 AMSandeep_01114935I wish I could bypass them
2:05:03 AMYouFair enough, Sandeep.
2:05:15 AMSandeep_01114935When you end the session by clicking the EXIT button at the top left corner of the screen, you will receive an invitation to take part in our customer feedback survey. Please spend a minute of your time in providing us with your valuable feedback Also make sure you state whether I resolved your issue or not together with rating me on a scale of 1-9.Thank you for contacting Dell Hardware Warranty Support online Chat, have a Great Day ahead!
2:05:29 AMSandeep_01114935take care Ryan
2:05:36 AMSystemSandeep_01114935 has left this session!
2:05:36 AMSystemThe session has ended!


Today's randoms...

The old UCI is going nuts, I wonder if my history degree is still valuable? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060301/ap_on_re_us/prophet_drawings_college

I wish I thought of this. I did not. I did not even find it, but I love it.
The Non-Expert: IKEA