Where have all the good ninjas gone?
by the way...
For the more lazy, this is the Atom feed for this blog.
Humidity and the proper use of the word an
A substantive update appears to be in order, now doesn’t it? Let’s try it in list form:
1. Poverty
2. The summer session of school is complete. I recommend against ever taking a conflicts/choice of laws class.
3. I went almost 2 days sans a sip of the juniper delight—quite the accomplishment.
4. I have not been in a bar since Friday (see numero uno).
5. Remember when numero uno was a fine dining establishment?
6. Does Sizzler still exist?
7. I need suggestions for altering experiences—not sure what kind of altering needs to be done.
8. iTunes now has 7820 songs.
9. Aside from birthdays, July is good for the smell of urine and the sight of rats.
10. Suggestion request numero dos: quick hitting ways to make cash—collective brain power is appreciated.
11. I may need new speakers.
Tous grêlent le maillot jaune!
Some people just get it...
Great quotes of the day, for a most intriguing day...
If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; But if you really make them think, they'll hate you.
-Don Marquis
Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so.
-Bertrand Russell
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
-Soren Kierkegaard
A friend is someone who will help you move. A real friend is someone who will help you move a body.
I am certain there is too much certainy in the world.
-Michael Crichton
Fervor is the weapon of choice for the impotent.
-Frantz Fanon
Patriotism is often an arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles. - George Jean Nathan
still brilliant
Bush reaches his limits -- as a cyclist Thu Jul 7, 9:03 AM ET
U.S. President George W. Bush says he has finally reached his limits.
Bush went for a mountain bike ride on Wednesday, his 59th birthday, shortly after arriving at the Gleneagles luxury resort in Scotland for a meeting of world leaders. He promptly crashed at speed into a standing police officer, causing minor injuries to both.
Bush appeared at a news conference on Thursday with bandages on two fingers of his grazed left hand.
"I think I found my limitations," he said.
Bush said he had spoken with the officer on Wednesday evening: "He's doing fine. I'm less worried about myself and more worried about him. It just goes to show that I should act my age."
"We were flying, coming in," Bush said.
"By the way -- when you ride hard on a mountain bike, sometimes you fall, otherwise you're not riding hard."
"And it was at the end of a good hour ride, the pavement was slick, and the bike came out from underneath me just like that person on the Tour de France the other day."
The American cyclist David Zabriskie crashed while wearing the Tour leader's yellow jersey on Tuesday.
"He's a lot better bike rider than I am," Bush said.
Bush began cycling seriously a couple of years ago when a knee injury forced him to give up running.
His usual trails are near his ranch in Crawford, Texas, and near a Secret Service training facility at Beltsville, Maryland.
Bartenders, law students, techies, and random assorted others…
And there was a dog too. The Fourth of July BBQ/soiree went smashingly. To all in attendance and those that assisted in the production, a most heartfelt thank you to you all. This post took a while to get up since my keyboard was non-functional until today.
“First of all, when I was 13, I double pirated a bus driver.”
The citronella candle is burning and music is playing.
I had never been to Baltimore prior to last weekend, I wasn’t missing anything.
Washington D.C. could be so much cooler, if only it wasn’t always dancing with its own ego.
I’m in the midst of trying to decide what to do with my time. Something someday back was crushed, I am so sedate these days.