
Humidity and the proper use of the word an

A substantive update appears to be in order, now doesn’t it? Let’s try it in list form:

1. Poverty
2. The summer session of school is complete. I recommend against ever taking a conflicts/choice of laws class.
3. I went almost 2 days sans a sip of the juniper delight—quite the accomplishment.
4. I have not been in a bar since Friday (see numero uno).
5. Remember when numero uno was a fine dining establishment?
6. Does Sizzler still exist?
7. I need suggestions for altering experiences—not sure what kind of altering needs to be done.
8. iTunes now has 7820 songs.
9. Aside from birthdays, July is good for the smell of urine and the sight of rats.
10. Suggestion request numero dos: quick hitting ways to make cash—collective brain power is appreciated.
11. I may need new speakers.


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