out like trout
i'll be back...and may even post from the left coast.
it is always the leftovers that cause problems
To reiterate, sleep is overrated and the Federal System is something I may never understand.
I’m at a point of procrastination, I can’t hold conversations or thoughts, I’m overly caffeinated and under stimulated, cohesiveness escapes me as comfortably as a dove from a locked cage, or a carrier pigeon, I’ll I want right now is some better punctuation, and a small jazz bar replete with red wine and ashtrays—it should be dimly lit as well, further and in anticipation of never ending this sentence I would like to point out the following, what exactly the following was supposed to be escapes me at the moment, but I do know that it is going to snow this eve and that should bring a out the snowflakes, also, when writing some stream of consciousness in the future how exactly do you form questions because it seems like invariably they end thoughts, and that is something that just cannot happen at the moment for I am sure that it would spell sudden doom which last time I checked was spelled with a s and then a u, followed by two d’s an e and then an n a d two o’s and finally an m, which posits another question without a question mark is at an n/m or is it a m/n, I say an but I also think that l, m, n, o, p in the alphabet is pronounced without pausing for breath or station identification, kind of like lmnop, so I have gone crazy, if not for today, then maybe just tomorrow too, eventually this madness will have to end and I’ll have to go back to studying when beneficiaries of a trust can get together and agree on the trust’s modification or termination, but for the moment that will have to wait while I continue to empty my mind of every random thought that is plagues my focus to the point of distraction, jot this down, do you have pen and paper ready, another question without proper punctuation you see, I have had (passive voice for those of you counting at home/office) another submission to my favorite site credited, it had to do with tae kwon do and I found it quite amusing at the time, but against the blue background of the website and considering that it was my own, I am now not so assured of the humor therein, that and compound words are just so much gosh darn fun to write, much more so when the are, as they are here, the product of a complete waste of time, so much so that I can take a few minutes to scrawl drivel, albeit (that is a good one) on a keyboard, much quicker than try to persuasively argue in the written word that the criminal act of a third party does not sever liability because the actions of the third party were reasonably foreseeable to the negligent tortfeasor, or something like that, meanwhile a combination of Nina Simone, Thom Yorke, and Trent Reznor are trying to tell me something but I’m just not exactly sure what it is, I have gone, certifiably…nuts. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll.