Today is Monday….
And it now feels like fall has finally arrived.
I had the strangest dream last night. Point of fact: normally my dreams don’t really include anybody I know—the people are usually faceless (analyze that as you wish). Last night, however, was different. It was different in the sense that I both remembered the dream, that it stuck with me all through today, and that the people had faces. To say it was bizarre would be an understatement.
It went a little something like this. For some reason a menagerie of people that I have known throughout my entire life from first grade to the present were all assembled to take a cruise—which in a strange twist of fate was leaving from San Diego. I could list the cast of characters, but it would be quite pointless on two fronts. First, my readership is limited and does not know all of them, many of them probably. Second, it is somewhat disconcerting that I remembered such strange people with whom I haven’t had contact with in years. Anyways, for some reason I knew of this cruise in honor of me—I think—and ended up having some other commitment in San Diego that caused me to fly in. And then I forget about the cruise for the R.
I remembered at the last minute due to a note at my hotel room from a friend that could never be more—but I did find it most kind of her. I had a problem. The note merely reminded me of the cruise, but provided no details. Conveniently, I had no cell phone and even if I did, I didn’t have any contact information for anyone I knew. I was screwed. I decided to return the car to the airport and catch a flight back to New York. I knew my friends would be disappointed.
Back at the airport, I had parked the car and for some reason the ship that I was supposed to be on was there in the parking lot, and all my peeps were in line to board. No one seemed to recognize me. Finally, I asked what time the ship was boarding from my good friend from Santa Fe. I received a most curt response, looked at my watch (why I was wearing a watch I don’t know—I never wear a watch), and realized that I had 45 minutes to make it. Most curiously, and quite out of character, I freaked out. Following no logic whatsoever, I inquired if I had time to make it to the rents place and pick up my things. Never mind that I don’t live there any more, never mind that I was traveling and possessed luggage; I asked. Logically, the response was in the negative—so I went anyway.
I missed the boat.
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