
The post coital attitudes of reclining grasshoppers

It seems as if it has been a while since my typewriter graced this lovely space. Oh well my life has been hectic—here is the update.

The move is almost complete and as of the last couple of nights I am once again sleeping in my own bed. I can’t begin to tell you how nice it is after six weeks on the couch. I also get to cook again. Cooking for me has always served the purpose of being therapeutic. So I feel like I can relax again and spend less money on food that isn’t as good for me. I get to eat so much more spinach now.

The apartment situation is unique in that it is only temporary and we will have to move again. Right now we have two one bedrooms to split between the three of us until our ‘real’ apartment is finished. When its finished, no one knows. The building says a month—our internal guestimates range from two months to 3.5 months. Regardless I am not homeless and have an address; both are developments that changed my outlook considerably.

Since the turmoil of being homeless is over my focus must now be redoubled at the escuela. While staying on top of things is one thing preparing for the future is entirely something else—something I really must be doing. I have decided that as interesting as constitutional law is to me it is also mind boggling and has become a bi-weekly physically exhausting event. This professor of mine happens to be insane and can pack more words into an hour and fifteen minutes than most humans can in days. I assume that once I too master the skill of not breathing.

One other thing…my life is eternally funny.


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