
Why do they always have to end so predictably?

Just saw Garden State (do you italicize movies?) and although I thoroughly enjoyed it (thank you sponsor) I was disappointed in the ending. I’d like to say that it was cliché which is probably apropos, but why is it that the film industry always has the same happy endings. Rare is the film where shit just doesn’t work out. Life unfortunately doesn’t work like it does in the movies…sometimes I wish it did, other times I’m glad that it doesn’t. Further, I think that I have officially done away with the paragraph now, at least in this post. Mundane. I walked home and did a lot of thinking. Not that this film really made me think all that much (lay blame where you wish) but I find it funny that I always do some of my best thinking on the walk back. It used to be the drive. It should be pointed out here that the thoughts are substantially better when you actually see a film of some sort of redeeming quality. For example, avoid films that have axe wielding paratroopers jumping out of helicopters to slay dragons. Also avoid transporters working out of Nice. So what was I thinking this evening on the walk back? I strung together a diatribe of sentences in my mind that most accurately described my being and existence. Sometimes philosophy can be fatalistic. I should have ended on that last sentence…it really is more my style. I thought I’d take a moment to discuss the noise of the trash truck outside but then in a most peculiar manner its usual cacophony dissipated into the dense humid cool of this post-pluvial night. Talk about unjustified ego.


Blogger Meghan said...

1st - 30 minutes of Garden State: "THis is an unbelievable movie. When I'm at a party and I have nothing to talk about, I'm going to talk about this movie."

30-60 minutes "Okay, Natalie Portman's great at being annoying and unattractive, surprising and impressive. Zach Braff (sp?) seems to have only one or two facial expressions. Still, this movie is so damn good. WOW"

60-90 minutes "Buying the soundtrack? Remains undecided. WHy is the cinamatography quickly losing its aesthetic coherence? Why, during this quick deterioration, is this script managing to nail about 10 major movie cliches?"

90-100 minutes. "Hiss boo. Nice closing song, though."

17 September, 2004 13:18  

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