
Thanksgiving Update

I’m thankful for many things and many people.

The blog hasn’t been updated in quite some time, so I figured I’d drop the peeps a line. Everything has been quite busy as of late. My semester is winding down and work is building up. Many people have been in and out of town which has been quite fantastic, the last left this week. Thanks mom and dad for a great weekend.

I always enjoy Thanksgiving. Did you know it’s an official U.S. religious holiday? I didn’t until recently and it strikes me as odd. This Thanksgiving I had many options, options in three states in fact. I had been planning to go out to NJ with some friends but due to an apparent lapse of communication this morning, it did not happen. Instead, I had dinner with friends on the UWS. The food was fine and it was the first time I had Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant. I really wanted to have the halibut with lobster risotto, but caved and had the turkey dinner—some traditions are hard to break.

My good line for today, “accident rules every corner of the universe, except, maybe, the chambers of the human heart.”


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