
Returned relaxed and now back at it.

I got back Sunday afternoon and took the long way home from the airport. The prior week was simply amazing. No internet, little to no phone service, and the ability to lounge profusely made for one of the more relaxing vacations ever..

Now it is true that I am a man of leisure, but this was a whole different level. I ate, read, swam, and slept with such abandon that it bordered on gluttony. None of it would have been possible without the generosity of some most wonderful people. To them I am truly thankful.

As of this week, my academic career is attempting to resume. Its success is still questionable. Ideally, the end is in sight. While true, it is the present that concerns me since I am not sure quite how to handle it. There are yet responsibilities to be fulfilled and goals to be achieved. My current problem is one of valuation. Solving it should be interesting.


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