
It is kind of like Fancy Food, just for people though.

The world may be coming to an end. I say this not as your normal purveyor of death and destruction, but rather as a person who observes things. For example, today this link is on the Yahoo! front page: Moustache Wax.

The quick hitting facts of my recent existence follow. I’m in the midst of reading two books, one of which is about a man and a gorilla. I drink a lot of lemonade. The weather has been on the warmer side. When not reading, napping, or lounging, I watch television. Specifically, that there food channel and various other program oriented channels.

I have come to the conclusion that my brain is quite bored with itself (we are two different entities). Its either boredom or I am slowly going insane. The reason for this diagnosis is that every time I sleep in the last two weeks, the brain doesn’t shut off. It has conversations with friends, goes on vacations and eats—all unbeknownst to me until my waking, at which time I’m startled by the solitude. Truth be told, the startling affect is starting to wear off. I expect to wake and realize that the last 7 hours were only a dream. The problem with this whole phenomenon is that it seeps into reality. This leads to confusing situations where I cannot remember whether I have told someone something in the ‘real’ world or the ‘Ryan sleepy time’ world.

I’ll keep you posted


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