
It’s the new television

I have come to realize that I am missing quite a few compact discs that have music on them that I paid legal tender for. This is disturbing. I want to listen to something and then cannot. I cannot tell you the endless frustration that this breeds.

Televisions serve one purpose and one only entertainment. This blog serves many more, at least in my egocentric universe.

Random thoughts are firing fast this evening…

The new book by Anonymous looks like it might be worth picking up. It has amazed me that somehow the politics and talking points of the people running this country are being bought. “They hate our freedom.” I call bullshit on that one. Bullshit though it may be, it happens to be the double coupon at the ignorant voter grocery store.

My true belief has always been that somewhere beyond the reactionary politics of the last few years the career wonks in the CIA and at the State Department had at least some idea what was going on. I’ll be interested to see if the book is vindication for that.

“Fahrenheit 9/11” came out today—I’m going to try to catch it tomorrow. All credit to NRG for this one, “Go see it, make it your ‘Passion’!”

Saltines for breakfast and saltines for lunch. (no verb needed)

I am starting to understand political apathy amongst the younger generations…the frustration of being right[left] can be so overwhelming some times.


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