inspirational solitude
Fireworks in the Night Sky
the floor is so quiet
i am wrapped in parquet
my toes are weeping softly
exuding invisible tears
for the years of tortoises
not soon forgot and
the hordes of masses
confused by the elasticity
of never turning around
masses silently walking
towards nothing but
fate and that which
for the remainder of their
life they will forget
about along the same
lines as that meal
a fortnight ago and
yet in the eyes of a
few who knows maybe
you exists a gleam and
joy a freedom from
the mundane punctuation
and lives molded by
the operatic stylings of
the latest hip hop mogul
and surprised by
the willingness to forgo
it all for a walk on the
quiet pavement of foreign
happiness and the mortal
solitude of deaf ears and
quiet forges while all
the while wondering if
it really is nice to
meet you or if you are
just the latest amalgamation
of a borrowed pen and
a stained carpet but
the bumble bee fireworks
of politics and barbers
escapes even the most
fundamental washer of
windows for they know
that a safari can be
had anywhere but here
unless it is on the inside
of a mind scribbled on
endlessly by street performers
and graffiti artists who
ply their trade on the
unsuspecting vendors of
watches and fruit who
are in direct competition
with the hawkers of
lost fortunes and promises
wasted yet all along
there are only so many
conjunctions conjured
up to replace the non
stop work of the
crumpled up sheets of a
failed career or the
dream endlessly pursued
with the altruistic hope
of wanting that one
paper cup and paper clip
that forces one to sit
upright in their bed
in the middle of the night
mindlessly ashing the
unlit cigarette of cognizance
with such ephemeral glee
thinking that only the
angels must have any
idea what this is really
inarticulate seltzer bubbles drown
out the endless drone of a beat
from the hinterland of their
soul quietly escaping the gaseous
prison of a sewer and a
swamp of the disregarded remnants
of yesterday’s existence in a funk
of stale food and continents
divided not by oceans but
thoughts and the minds
of the physiologically alike
but ideologically different
indifferent to the daily
doings of citizens over
where without trash
compactors and makeshift
friends juxtaposed against
the real and as effervescent
as all that is temporary
constantly drifting unaware
of that inescapable happiness
of the thoughtless------
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