
Of Japanese Gangsters and rice wine.

May I enter?

The air is beginning to chill and tomorrow is the Thanksgiving holiday. I anticipate it to be most entertaining and will offer up a full report whenever I find the time.

Finals are rapidly approaching and worry is settling in to its comfortable place at the bottom of my feet. So in honor of the rapidly approaching nonsense I took to the couch today. I have enjoyed every moment of this silence.

When I lived by myself I lacked a television. I learned to like it. I now am in the presence of the television perpetually. It scares me. While being a fantastic piece of human technology, I now live with the well founded fear that it will one day kill me. It doesn’t like to be off and it is not easily manipulated. Somehow human relationships are sometimes easier. Why do the inconsequential attempt to forcibly make themselves relevant? I just want to be let alone to wander the quiet of my mind.


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