
Dell and the monthly catalogue

Who buys a new computer or flat screen every month?

Day 2 of job. Still nothing to report, pretty much sat around all day doing nothing. So far, I am really unimpressed.

For some reason my grades are still not out.

Lakers in 5 (maybe 6).

And I really like this car, too bad I gots no cash and no need for a car.

stay tuned, more later


Blogger Meghan said...

I must confess- it was more difficult to sign up for this blog than to go through the eye of a needle. call it the shabu shabu of communication- can't just respond, must get involved in the process. thought: good metaphor connects two seemingly unrelated things. what's the connection between a paper shredder and hesitance. Blog is an embarassingly ugly word. As a concept, though- I'm catching on. Since much of my exhaustion stems from having a mind that works like a computer continually printing out 150 page documents on accident, I wonder if this won't be therapeutic to post every now and again. Empty out my recycle bin, to use another mediocre computer comparison. Now I am named, I exist, hypocorism in tow I'm a blogger legit. somehow can't pull up my very own website tho. big news: moving to santa fe. hey- how did you, whilst behind the orange curtain, mature into the kind of adult capable of displaying your vast collection of beautiful words without feeling a certain sense of embarassment/contrition? we commies like to make fun of things we don't get.

04 June, 2004 00:02  

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