1st day of work and the meaning of sovereignty…
So I am confused, which anybody who knows me knows is not something really new. The mundane comes first.
So today was the first day of many joyous days to come that will involve me talking to old people about their diseases or if their dead, their estates representatives. I also get paid less than minimum wage. I won’t leave the office until six in the evening but at least I don’t have to get in until 10. We’ll see how this goes and I’ll keep you posted.
So I get home to read the news and eat leftover pizza and drink South African red wine and check for grades and use the word and to many times in one sentence and then get a bit riled up.
I started by reading that my man, his highness GWB, has now compared the WAR ON TERRORISM [sic] to World War II. This struck me as odd. I, being not alive at the time and so have to take what books, oral tradition, and media tell me as fact, distinctly remember this guy called Hitler or something like that who had his sights set on global domination. A truncated remembering of this makes me recollect that in order for this not too attractive, failed student and non-descript military veteran to come to power he had to manufacture a series of events (read, lies) to get the people of the nation to vote for him. He won, but by no means fair and square. He then proceeded to bring that nation to a xenophobic climax that allowed him to strip any one deemed an enemy combatant, I mean someone whose views he didn’t like, of citizenship and to be treated quite poorly. Eventually this poor treatment escalates, peeps get carted off to special places, yada, yada, yada, and then slaughtered, raped, and generally just denigrated as a human.
This war on unfettered geopolitical, economic and cultural imperialism is just like the war that the US, Britain, the former Soviet Union and others (not you Vichy France) undertook to stop that guy Hitler from unceasingly invading sovereign countries. Except this time invasion of sovereigns came from the so-called good gender-neutral persons. When was the last time good gender-neutral persons started a war?
This brings me to my point about sovereignty. Merriam-Webster online defines sovereignty as, “a: supreme power especially over a body politic b: freedom from external control: AUTONOMY c: controlling influence 3: one that is sovereign; especially: an autonomous state.” More or less that was my idea too.
So then I read this Powell: Iraq Will Not Get Veto on Troops. Now everything makes perfect sense. Sovereignty means if I and my first-rate army, plus twice as many “contractors” and a few mercenaries, come into your country sans provocation, obliterate your infrastructure, topple your leaders, make it criminal to be a member of a political party (nice democratic touch by the way), kill approximately 10,000 of your innocent civilians that I wanted to give democracy and freedom to, and then give you back your country with a puppet government and decide that I’m still gonna park my 300,000+ support peeps there just in case you get pissed off and want to do something about it; you are then considered a sovereign nation. Somebody needs to tell these lexicographers that one of their words has the wrong definition. Oh and by the way if you’re upset about your new breed of sovereignty and want to do something about it, don’t worry I understand, “That's why [I am] giving them back their sovereignty.”
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