Let’s remember to forget to get lost
At last the wait is over and I’m back writing. I’m sure everyone is thrilled. The amusing thing is that there is a lot to speak about. Most importantly, I heard the world came to an end while I was busy studying.
Let’s see if I can encapsulate the last few weeks for you in any sort of cohesive manner. Two years of school are done, one remains. I interview every other day, but have no job. A man I know went insane as a result of an insane woman. I heard that I qualify for Medicaid. I’ve tried to stay out of politics. The country is on its way to heaven (hell). Brides have run away. The weather stays bizarre. And finally, as of late, I have mastered the art of lounging.
Lounging has taken many different incarnations but each typically involves the couch. I need to start a fund to help furnish the outside of my apartment so I may lounge out in the open air as well. I read Barrack Obama’s memoir and am even more convinced that he should one day become president. I am having dreams about wealth. I think that this is a direct result of being destitute and having my roommate situation becoming increasingly unbearable.
For some reason, I have had no motivation to write as of late. Hopefully, this pos will at least kick-start the brain again. My eyes are heavy with fatique.
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