
“You, flock of seagulls, you know why we’re here.”

“Belief and seeing are both often wrong.” – R.S. McNamara

I spent the better portion of Friday night watching The Aviator. It was not necessarily worth it; the Academy has confounded me. Cate Blanchett did impress though. As disappointing as that film was, I came home tonight and watched The Fog of War. I was blown away, the insight into power was one of the most fascinating things I have ever witnessed.

I am on a rant tonight.

If, in 1976 my father emigrated to France and sired me in 1978, I would be a French citizen; yes? So being a French citizen I vote in French elections and receive all the benefits of being French. But being French, I have been really pissed off lately about how the United States has been acting in the world. So I decide to do something about it and you know what I do? I vote in the 2004 US presidential election. Makes perfect sense doesn’t it, I’m glad that the French have a say in choosing a president for a country that they do not even live in, nary they never may have set foot in.

I wonder what its like to be Iraqi?


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