
Busy weekend and we are out of water at the drinking water at the office.  I spent all day Saturday at school at “Moot Camp”.  I am not the biggest fan of the whole play on words thing.  Regardless, it was a whole day affair that was useful in the sense that it somewhat refreshed my memory on writing format and assorted other academic gems. 
The one bad thing about the day was that I realized how much this job has infected me with a post-octogenarian curmudgeonry that is not usually exhibited in someone of my age.  This definitely needs to be worked on and hopefully the forthcoming two-week CA holiday will remedy this affliction.
The original inspiration between the CA holiday was two-fold in its purpose: first, to spend time with those I haven’t in the last six months; and secondly, to have a new place to live until my new lease starts on August 16.  Thankfully, the powers that be have introduced a two-week construction delay so my new place will not be ready until September 1.   This is great as it will finally give me a chance to live in the streets as has always been my dream.  The reality is that such dream will probably continue to be deferred, accursed by the generosity of my friends who will supply my visage with shelter.
All vices considered; I am on track to live into my late 200’s.  I make this conclusion based on sound scientific research conducted by professionals and my own prognostications based on how many lines in the sidewalk I skipped this morning.  The way I see it is that my current not so healthy habits have created in my body a sort of tolerance and resistance to their ill-humored properties.  My vices, have if you will so indulge, have acted as a sort of immunization—a vaccination against all malady, death, and affliction.  Now couple those Ponce DeLeon characteristics with my current diet of one meal (starvation diet research proves the whole longer life thing) of pasta a day and you can see how I am confident of my longevity.
The above paragraph is solely for your visual entertainment I might say.  Because truth be told, with all the different ‘diets’ out there I plan on creating and marketing a whole new concept and branding them ‘Lifestyles’.  Now I am sure that there may be some issue with the use of the word ‘Lifestyles’ in the product nomenclature of each individual plan.  I am confident that the prophylactic giant and I can work something out that will in the end be mutually beneficial.  I’m currently bandying about some revenue sharing concepts along with joint promotional adventures for some of the short-term ‘Lifestyles’.
I plan on calling the first lifestyle detailed two paragraphs ago the St. Petersburg Lifestyle after the famed fountain of youth.  Following a successful rollout of the St. Petersburg Lifestyle additional ‘Lifestyles’ will follow, each named after a city, a food or a disease.  Comments and suggestions are welcome, but you will receive absolutely no credit if you mere assemblage of words somehow comes to grace the name of one of my ‘Lifestyles’.
Stay tuned for exciting new developments.


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